Another Appeal from Dan

September 16, 2009

Apparently not everyone is sympathetic to Dan’s plea for help. Us? We’re coveting those cupcakes!

Tune in to Pittsburgh’s The CW for an hour of “The Office” each week night at 7:00 and 7:30 p.m. beginning September 21st.  And stay tuned for details about the chance to win an office makeover, courtesy of Anderson Interiors, in partnership with Quality Computer Services, Inc.

You’re welcome, Dan!  Send cupcakes!

Tune in to Our You Tube Channel!

August 31, 2009

We’re excited to announce that we’ve launched our You Tube channel!


Our playlist currently includes product galleries and overviews, a photo album of our Summer ’09 corporate outing to PNC park, and this promo that’s currently airing on KDKA TV and its sister station, The CW.

We’ll be adding more videos in the days ahead so stay tuned and become a subscriber to our channel.

And be sure to watch “The Office” on Pittsburgh’s The CW beginning September 21st  for details about an upcoming event that could make your office “the” office!