Introducing ESI Ergonomic Solutions!

October 17, 2012

We’re excited to share that ESI Ergonomic Solutions products are now carried by Anderson Interiors!

In celebration, take a peek at our introductory specials!  Our CFO has, and highly recommends, the Solstice desk light.

ESI Ergonomic Solutions is committed to improving efficiency in the workplace through the use of accessories that promote comfort, mobility, and flexibility. They’ve been providing unequaled ergonomic accessories to offices, healthcare and educational environments for over two decades and we’re delighted to have the opportunity to share in that vision!

Like Anderson Interiors, ESI Ergonomic Solutions is a woman-owned business and has been awarded national certification.

Introductory offer is valid through December 31, 2012.

For more information, please phone 412-828-7420.

Take a Stand for Better Health

February 9, 2012

Medical research suggests that sitting for long periods of time can have a negative effect on one’s health.  According to a recent study, sitting for more than 6 hours can substantially increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even certain types of malignancies.

But, here’s the good news. You needn’t be a marathon runner or even a regular at a gym to lower your risk. It’s suggested that simply standing can reverse or preclude the harmful effects of being seated.  That’s right, stand up from that sofa, desk chair or car seat and you’ve lessened your risk of developing a serious disease.

In addition, standing prompts your body to consume three times the amount of calories that are expended when you sit. Yes, three times. Your waistline will thank you, too.

It sounds easy enough but it can seem to be a challenge for those whose jobs involve long hours behind a desk. Except, not really. Stand while talking on the phone, and set a reminder for yourself to stand for a few minutes every hour, regardless of what you’re doing.

Or, you might consider getting one of these:


Height adjustable desks by Sunway enable you to stand while you work;  for an hour, for a while, for a day.  Simply change the height of the desk with the up / down control switch, custom fitting it to your mood and your needs. A quiet motor ensures that you won’t disturb co-workers in the process.   Stand and work or enjoy the ergonomic benefits of the desk while seated. Your body will benefit either way.

Ergonomic Desk Setup

September 22, 2011


In addition to having an ergonomically correct chair, it’s important to consider proper desk setup to minimize the opportunity for awkward postures that can potentially cause a variety of physical problems.  Taking note of a few key elements can result in less fatigue, more focus, and a generally more comfortable work experience.

The first thing to consider is the size of the desk in relation to the tasks to be performed. A desk that doesn’t have enough surface space results in illogical placement of components and devices, forcing the user to assume awkward positions to reach or see them.  

The work surface should be sufficiently large to accommodate a monitor that’s placed at least 20 inches away and directly in front of the person viewing it. If additional monitors are required, an angled desk should be considered, allowing for seating in the corner rather than along the straight edge.  Ideally, the screen should be at eye level or just slightly below that.

Other items on the desk should be placed within easy reach. To determine optimal placement of phone, mouse, and other frequently used items, simply raise your arms and extend them to each side.  While keeping your arms extended, move them towards the center of your body while noting the area that is within that boundary. That is considered your normal reach zone. Positioning frequently used items and devices within it prevents stretching and uncomfortable movement that can ultimately lead to stress and strains. Place items that you need less often outside of that zone.

You should also verify that the desk is neither too high or too low. Consider installing a height adjustable keyboard and mouse tray beneath the desk surface.  When typing, your elbows should be at a 90 degree angle and your wrists should be straight. Resist resting your wrists on the surface of the desk or tray while typing.

It’s also important that the desk allow for enough space for legs and feet. Do not store anything beneath your desk that would restrict foot placement. If there is not sufficient clearance for knees and thighs, consider removing any drawers beneath the desk surface. Another alternative is to remove the keyboard tray, placing it on the surface of the desk instead. If this option is exercised, the height of your chair should be adjusted to allow for proper arm and wrist placement.

Give the Gift of Ergonomics!

December 2, 2010


Give the gift of comfortable typing this holiday season!  Ergonomic keyboards like this one offered by Teknion encourage optimal placement of the hands and wrists, reducing the possibility of discomfort or injury due to long-term use.

Ergonomically correct office and desk accessories facilitate ease and efficiency while performing associated tasks.

For more information, please visit our website or phone 412.828.7420.

Help for Lower Back Pain

October 14, 2010

Lower back pain is being experienced by increasing numbers of American workers each year and  is now the second most common cause of disability in the U.S.  It’s believed that over three-quarters of Americans will encounter it at least once in a lifetime, a staggering statistic that has prompted more attention to prevention, possible causes, and treatment.

Researchers cite several factors that might be contributing to the number of reported cases, including weight, increased awareness, lifestyle, and occupation.  Unfortunately, office workers aren’t exempt.  Sitting in a chair for long periods of time can potentially cause a pre-existing condition to worsen or can even prompt periodic episodes of discomfort for those with no history of back problems.

Sitting, sitting, and then more sitting can wreak havoc on one’s back due to the tendency to not maintain good posture. Slouching in one’s seat can cause the lower back to bend in an unnatural position, potentially leading to strain and even damage.

Are you sitting up taller now? 

The good news is that you don’t need to read an article on the Internet as a reminder. An ergonomic chair can provide continuous back support and help maintain good posture, resulting in less potential to assume positions that are less than ideal for lower back health. A properly adjusted ergonomic chair can reduce the opportunity for stress and strain, lessening the chances that you’ll hear from an unhappy lower back on a regular basis!

But what about other chairs that you spend time in during the course of a normal day? While it’s not practical to cart your office chair home with you (even though you may want to!), you can enlist the aid of a lumbar support cushion to help make that dining chair a bit more comfortable, too.

Lumbar support cushions are available in a number of different sizes and price points. To find the right one for you, sit upright in the chair for which you plan to use it. Using your hand, reach behind and measure the approximate distance between the curve of your lower back and the chair. Try not to lean forward or back while doing this.  The thickness of the cushion should be in that range.  Then estimate the height of the curved area of your back. That will correspond to the height of the support pillow that will work best for you.

Alternatively, you can make your own cushion using a foam wedge like those commonly sold at fabric and department stores.  Or you can even use a bath towel or small baby blanket. Simply fold the towel in half and then roll it until it’s the proper thickness. Snip the remainder away, then secure both ends to prevent the towel from unraveling.  If you prefer a more finished look, cover the cushion with a pillow case or fabric, securing the ends with ribbon or string.

If you have any other tips for alleviating lower back pain, please comment and let us know!